Monday, May 10, 2010

Topic #4: Joy

We're going to do joy first, because it's been requested first. Remember to keep adding topics in "An explanation" post.

So here are the questions to start off with:

What is Joy?
Should we be joyful?
If so, how can we be joyful?
Is it hard? Why or why not?

Any other personal experiences/thoughts are welcome:D Remember to back up your thoughts! Happy discussing!


Anonymous said...

rejoice in the lord always, and again i say rejoice!

Anonymous said...

What does that mean?

Destiny Diddlesworth said...

Joy is like happiness. It can make other people joyful too! :)

We should be joyful because we love God and so we won't be sad.
We can be joyful by encouraging people.

It can be hard if you are a depressed person, but if you aren't, than it shouldn't be too hard!

Sunny Smith said...

I believe that joy is an attitude and happiness is an emtion.

Joy is a choice you make and happiness is just something that you feel b/c of _____

Destiny Diddlesworth said...

...b/c of something that happened in your life that is good! :)

Sam Oiseau said...

I think that joy/optimism is an outlook on life and is dependent upon perspective. It is not simply whether you're a "depressed" person or not. It depends upon how you look at the world.
How do you view God friends, society, family, salvation, stressors, education opportunites, and how do you compare those things to people in other positions?
I think joy is also dependent upon whether you have an internal or external locus of control. How can one maintain joy if they're dependent on the praise and affirmation of peers? I think it's okay to want to be admired, but if that sort of mentality enslaves you then it is dangerous and unhealthy.
Joy may be acquired and maintained through a constant relationship with God -- a relationship that doesn't evaporate the second sin invades, or distractions appear, or integrity is threatened.

James writes -- dear brothers and sisters when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for joy. -- (1:2)

adversity is also an opportunity for growth. But viewing trials and agony as "an opportunity for joy" depends upon your perspective.

perspective is everything.

perspective dictates what we deem stressful, and in turn, affects how often we are joyful.

The Scotsman said...

I agree with the comments of Sunny and Sam.

I would like to further extrapolate on these ideas.

The idea that joy is an attitude, happy is an an emotion and a perspective is quite correct. After all, there are times when you actually should be sad or should be angry; after all, God himself does.

A wise man once suggested we look at life through these lenses: Everything that befalls us has great purpose. It can show the blessing of faithful service to God. It can help us to understand what our talents and spiritual gifts are. It can forewarn us of coming events or prepare us to face such events.

What qualifies as difficult situation varies from person to person. An incident that is of little emotional stress or consequence to one person can be monumental to another.

Thus, whatever is a difficult situation for us serves a purpose for our spiritual walk. Difficult situations cannot be handled by our own will - we must rely on God to give us the strength and wisdom to overcome them (in the process, learning how to deal with similar situations in the future). Difficult situations, therefore, are allowed to happen to us so that we might grow in our walk with God - spiritually mature.

So what does this have to do with joy? Well, simply put, if difficult situations befall us, it is because God thinks we are ready to push our spiritual lives to the next level. If that is the case, I think that is definitely a cause for joy!

Sunny Smith said...

I definatly agree with what the Scotsman is saying. God allow's bad things to happen so we can grow.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose.

Sam Oiseau said...

joy comes from more than difficult situations.

joy comes from dwelling in His presence, and allowing Him to fill your cup.