Sunday, April 11, 2010

Topic #3: Dealing With Drama

So we've gathered a good amount of info on dealing with drama and we've decided it's time to start the post:) Feel free to discuss, argue and share your thoughts.

Drama is usually any situation that requires a lot of personal will (and help form God!) to deal with. It involves tough decisions, putting relationships with others on the line.

Do you agree with that statement?
Is drama bad?
What can we learn from drama?
How should we deal with it?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

All the Cool Kids Blog!

Hey All.
This is off topic, but J.T.I told me that this guy, who you all know, who we nicknamed Cel, says he is too cool to look at blogs. So I just wanted to throw out there that ALL THE COOL KIDS BLOG!! HAHA!! :P If you guys think this is odd, J.T.I came up with this idea! :) Lolzzz. But yes ALL THE COOL KIDS BLOG! I am not saying that Cel isn't cool, I am just saying that Cel shouldn't think that he is too cool to look at blogs. Do y'all know what I mean?

COMMENT PEOPLE! We need to show Cel that ALL THE COOL KIDS BLOG! Thanks! :D